Friday, June 30, 2006


Today or rather yesterday since it has passed 12 midnight, was really great. The whole week actually was just great.

There is this great news i think, is that Angie's Choice, a cake shop that is quite big i think, called my mom. We do not have any contacts with them before, so it was strange for them to call my mom. Anyway we found out that they had known us through this old folk organisation thingy where we give them left over bread every night for free. So they tasted our one and only PILLOW CAKE in Singapore and had tried to make it themselves and failed. So they called us up and ask if we could sell them the recipe.

I'm not really sure what’s going on, but my mom had gone on some discussion with them. Think they are going to pay us quite alot of money for the recipe, then have my mom work under them and have monthly salary and also be a share holder or something. Not too sure, but it sure sounds good. My mom still have some worries because she had partner with a few people and it failed obviously, so she is not very certain and don't really trust others. To me this offer seems to be quite a good one. I asked my mom if we get that amount of money will the money we owe others be cleared; she said yes most of it.

Well i praise god when i heard this news. If it all works out, it sure is great, and i believe father god will just make everything good. As i went to school in the morning, i thought to myself, god is really good, all we have to do is just rest in him and no care about a thing. That is all we had to do, so simple, cause all of these problems are not what we can handle. When we rest and praise him and let him do the work, the best blessings just comes at you. It just comes so fast that you don't even know how it happened.

So that is the good news that i had. Then next is about my identity. Well we were asked about it on the last Sunday by a care leader when we had this small gathering with a mix of people from SP and NP people i think. It was after church. Think this question was asked before, but i forgot or something. So some people said in friends, look, singing and so on. So he told us in the end that our identity is in Christ Jesus. So it’s like hey, even if i don't do well in my exams or anything, it’s still alright, cause i know that i still have Jesus that loves me so much. My identity is not in my exam results. I will not feel lonely, rejected, sad or anything just because i failed my test, because i know that i am accepted and loved by him. It is real great to know this.

Well i just had my tests over, so i don't know what my results are, but hey, i don't really care you know. I know that i had tried my best, even if i get a distinction or a fail, i know that he still loves me.

Just found out that one of my lecturer goes to the same church as my mom. It's so cool man! That day, which is now 37 mins ago, i went to bible study. Not going to tell much about the service, cause i already forgot most of what it was preached. It was something like i had mention above and much more. But i do know during the service, it just made me so happy and so high for some reason. I was quite tired and sleepy before the service, but WOW i felt so high that i did not fall asleep during that time in service. Learn that when you are in peace with Christ, even your enemies are in peace.........something like that. Pastor said something like when there is anyone who had done wrong to you or something like that, just forgive and bless them. Cause they just don't know the truth yet. He gave some illustration from the bible, but well i don't really read the bible, so i was not sure it was from where or how the story was. This is something that it is very hard to do. I mean how to just forgive and bless someone who had done wrong to you. So hey that’s why you need daddy god to help you too. It is amazing at how he do things. So anyway the service ended making me feel very high for some unknown reason, which is why the title of this entry.

Well then some extra stuff that i would write. Finally saw Miss Toh after 3weeks of no school. Not very sure, but think she had her hair reborn or something, cause it was straight all the way down instead last time where it was abit curly at the bottom. Well whatever it is, she still looks good haha (blush).

So conclusion for today and for every entry that will going to be, just rest in daddy and he will take care of everything for you. PRAISE HIM. That’s all.



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