Sleep and pray
Finally! The supposing hardest paper is over! Well I did not
have much time to prepare for this paper, because when my lecturer told us the
paper was on Wednesday, I was quite shock as it was not written on the exam
Anyhow, the paper was not hard if well you really memories the programming
codes like there's no tomorrow. Well it was quite hard for me, because I’m not
good in memorizing codes. Anyway as I was doing, I got stuck with 2 questions.
Skip those 2 and continue doing, then return again, staring at the questions,
but nothing came. Then well, I got this bad habit of getting sleepy in the mid
of exam and sleep. So I slept, and pray in tongues at the same time. Well you
see when I sleep in exam I sleep half way kind of thing so I was able to pray
at the same time haha, think I sound stupid. Anyhow, when I woke up, I read the
question again and stare at it again........ !!!!!! I got the answer! Just like
that I know how to answer the questions. It was so cool la, quickly write down
the answer and then check the paper again and hand it in.
Wonders do happen when you pray in tongues hahaha even when you pray while
sleeping, it still works hahahahah man what a gift God gives. When he gives, it
really is something that is so powerful. Haha getting excited for the coming
papers, gonna study it with Daddy HEE

Well, that's all
God Bless